Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Class member EOTO

First, I have a confession to make. I just started a new job with a wedding planner who was showing me everything we pack and have on hand for weddings. One thing that we always carry with us is a walkie talkie AND an earpiece. Not just any earpiece but the invisible ones that are placed inside your ear. After I left, I allowed myself a moment to freak out and anticipate the enjoyment of using these gadgets while feeling like a secret agent. 

That being said, as someone who is fascinated by technology and enjoys all the latest gadgets, I found it fascinating to listen to the history of many of the technologies we use today. I specifically enjoyed the history of the radio. I knew that the first wireless commercial transmission of the human voice was from New York City to Wilmington, Delaware in 1897. But I was not aware of the history before this point and it turns out that there were some very interesting struggles and fights for control involved. In fact, Alexander Graham Bell spent the first part of his career working towards telegraphic speech recognition and transmission. In addition, there were multiple inventors like Thomas Edison who worked on creating a talking device but ended up getting into arguments over whose invention was more successful. 

Overall, I enjoyed hearing my classmates reports and I'm looking forward to the next EOTO.

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